Hello Coronation Park Families!
What’s New!!
- Home Reading Book Bags!
- Thank you Miss Piluk for putting together Home Reading Book Bags!
- The first Library Book Bags are for students up to Grade 3/4. On May 19th we will have bags for our older grades as well.
- Please return your book bag to the drop-off bin by the front door of the school the week of May 11th -15th to receive a new bag of books on Tuesday, May 19th
- Coronation Park Bingo!
- Thank you Mrs. McLauchlan for creating out Bingo Games!
- Please watch https://youtu.be/TlhEGwGsoMM
- All May 4th Learning Packages include bingo cards
- Bingo Game Videos will be shared by teachers and posted on our Facebook Page (Addition and Subtraction are already there for you to play!)
Connecting with Families: Our fantastic Coronation Park teaching team will be reaching out to families this week for a check-in.
Online Learning: For our online learners, please be sure to check Seesaw or Google Classroom for updates and learning activities from your teachers.
Learning Packages: Package pick-up is May 4th between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. Please be sure to follow physical distancing guidelines if more than one family is at the school for pick up at the same time. The next Learning Package Pick-Up day is Tuesday, May 19th.
Breakfast Program: For families participating in the breakfast program, the learning packages will be delivered with your breakfast bag on Monday, May 4th in the morning. The next delivery of Breakfast bags will be Tuesday, May 19th.
Food Assistance Programs
- Salvation Army Bagged Lunches daily at 1:00 pm on Regency Crescent near Bright Beginnings Daycare.
- Avonhurst Pentecostal Assembly for Food Hampers
- http://www.avonhurst.org/communityhampers and the church will assist.
- Attached is a document listing many community food assistance programs.
Staying Up-to-Date on Information
- School Website: https://coronationpark.rbe.sk.ca/
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Coronation-Park-Community-School-104740317842172/
- School Division Website: https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/
Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have any questions.
coronationpark@rbe.sk.ca or tannis.loweychimilar@rbe.sk.ca