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Virtues Project

The students and staff at Coronation Park School will be focusing on the virtue and sacred teaching of Courage and Honesty for the months of January, February and March. This virtue falls under the Independence quadrant within the Circle of Courage. We want to encourage our students to help others around our school and within our community.


Some of our students and staff have severe allergies to peanuts and seafood. 

Please do not send your child with food items that contain peanuts, or send lunches that contain seafood.

Thanks for working with us to keep our school a safe place to work and learn for all.


At Coronation Park School we are working towards improving our overall attendance.

Regular attendance is very important for student success.

We appreciate your efforts in ensuring your child attend school consistently.


Virtues Project

As part of our FNMI Strategic Plan, our action team would like to focus on supporting our students as they work through the concept of identity. We feel by continuing our work with the Virtues Project in connection with the Seven Teachings, we can support students and build a stronger sense of community within our school.

William Booth Project

The Grade two class is enjoying another year of monthly visits to the William Booth Special Care Home for reading activities.  After walking from the school to the care home, the students are partnered with residents of the facility, as well as with seniors from the Adult Day Support program.