Conferences - February 8 & 9, 2023

The following is the schedule for our second round of conferences this year:

- Wednesday, Feb. 8 - conferences for Kinder A - No school for Kinder A only!

- Thursday, Feb. 9 - conferences for Kinder B - grade 8 - No school for everyone!

Letters have been put into the report card envelopes that will go home last week. Please let your child's teacher know if any changes are needed to the schedule. 


We are excited to share that Coronation Park School has been selected to receive a Community Development Grant from @CTJumpstart. This grant has helped our grade 5/6s to learn about water safety and take part in swimming lessons! #SupportedByJumpstart

Orange Shirt Day

We will be recognizing Orange Shirt Day this year on Thursday, Sept. 29. We will celebrate with an assembly and activities at 2:00. 

Friday, September 30th will be a day to remember and acknowledge our role in reconciliation.