Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Fall 2022 Info
Here is some great information for students who are eligible to be Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students in our schools for the fall. Please share with anyone who might be impacted.
We are so lucky to be one of 65 that received $2500 from the Nutrien Building Stronger Communities Together.
APRIL 28, 2023 -- The 2023-24 elementary and high school calendars have now been posted!
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 -- All Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us at their neighbourhood Regina Publi
Here is some great information for students who are eligible to be Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students in our schools for the fall. Please share with anyone who might be impacted.
Please read the attached letter here that was sent out from Regina Public Schools.
A reminder that there is an early dismissal for students Friday, December 17 @ 2:30 PM. Classes resume on TUESDAY, January 4.
An important note regarding a huge donation of Christmas Trees was sent home last week. Click HERE to read the note. If you would like more information, please contact the office.
A huge thank you to the sponsors: Pure Country 92.7, Canadian Tire and Century 21 Dome Realty
3105 4th Ave. N.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4R 0V2
Ph: (306) 791-8570
Fax: (306) 523-3031