No School-Conferences
On Friday, October 8 we will be having our conferences on zoom or on the phone. There will be no classes that day for students.
We are so lucky to be one of 65 that received $2500 from the Nutrien Building Stronger Communities Together.
APRIL 28, 2023 -- The 2023-24 elementary and high school calendars have now been posted!
FEBRUARY 9, 2023 -- All Grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us at their neighbourhood Regina Publi
On Friday, October 8 we will be having our conferences on zoom or on the phone. There will be no classes that day for students.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 -- The Saskatchewan Health Authority will be working with school divisions to offer COVID-19 vaccinations for students born in 2009 or who are older.
To read the letter to parents/caregivers, please CLICK HERE.
Please click HERE to refer to a COVID screening tool:
This screening tool is being used with Regina Public Schools.
If your child is ill please do not send them to school. If your child is ill, they need to be symptom free for at least 48 hours prior to returning to school.
Thank you for helping to keep everyone healthy.
Click HERE to view safety measures in place for Fall 2021!
3105 4th Ave. N.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4R 0V2
Ph: (306) 791-8570
Fax: (306) 523-3031